Heal Self Heal Others

Reiki Share is a unique healing experience where multiple people lays hands on one person for a deeper healing and relaxing experience. Each person both gives and receives Reiki.

This Reiki share is open to all people regardless of whether you are attuned to Reiki we all have the ability to channel healing energies.

For Newbies – this is an interesting experience as often people can feel the Reiki energy sensations as they place their hands on others. It is a wonderous way to feel confident that you can easily learn Reiki for yourself.

For Practitioners – it’s a great way to explore, develop, practice, build self confidence, learn,  grown and to heal themselves in a safe, fun, and supportive atmosphere. Also have the opportunity to work alongside other practitioners which can give you an insight into different approaches to working with Reiki.

Our regular members are skilled and experienced in a range of modalities, including Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Angelic Healing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Intuitive or Spiritual Healing, Massage Therapy, Meditation ….. and more, just depending who is there on the nigh.

Bring your own healing way and connect with this circle. Crystals, reflexology, sound healing (drums, rattles, tuning forks, singing bowls, etc.), are all welcome.

This circle will include opening and closing circle, short meditation, and approximately 45—60 minutes of practice on the Reiki tables, each individual getting a turn to receive a 30 – 45 minute healing. We also have time for sharing experiences to ask questions and share healing hints and tips, try new techniques, and have plenty of laughs whilst we’re at it.

We do ask that you are prepared to give and receive healings on a massage table and open to all modalities and ways of healing.

Every Tuesday and Thursdays
7.00 pm to 9.30 pm
What to Bring:
Towel or Sheet to place on the Reiki table. Filtered water, teas, coffee and supper provided.

Reiki share is about sharing our journeys, supporting each other in our growth, and practicing acceptance. A fantastic way to practice and hone skills, share your gifts, learn from others, and to receive at a low cost. 

We appreciate that some people lead very busy lives, so just pop along and visit the circle whenever you can. 

Join us at The River House, 193 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna Qld, 4300.

No need to book ahead… all welcome.

Reiki Share Circles are facilitated and hosted by Andrea Kerslake Reiki Master/Teacher. If you have further questions about Reiki Shares, don’t hesitate to send a message to Andrea 0419 641 155 or email annie@spiritualexperience.com.au

Participating in Reiki Share is very beneficial to you and to the whole group as a whole.

About Your Facilitator

Andrea from an early age, felt the mystery of life and connected with the Spirits and Universe. Initially a reluctant healer, she has now been helping people improve their health and wellbeing for over fifteen years.

Andrea is passionate about helping people open up to their own innate wisdom and knowledge and to tap into the spiritual energies that surround us witnessing their awakening. Seeing people reclaim their own talents and gifts. Andrea’s greatest joy is helping, and teaching people how they can connect with Spirit and tap into Universal energy to enhance their lives.

Healing and teaching are the focal point of all Andreas work, she offers many different approaches to Personal Healing, Growth and Psychic Development. She is a Reiki, Crystal Reiki & Seichim Master/Teacher intuitive healer, and trained in crystal healing, and Theta® and Orion healing. She is an Angel Intuitive™ with advanced training.

Andrea assist clients in releasing old energies while bringing in new energy, to connect to their Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters and follow their intuition. Andreas focus is to empower people by give people the tools so that they can reach their true potential and bring all of them into every aspect of their life. This is what she love doing and she is grateful for having the opportunity to work with spirit and see so many people begin their own journey bringing harmony and balance back into their life.

What Is Reiki

Reiki is a safe gentle non-which uses spiritual energy to treat physical aliments, without using pressure, manipulation or massage.

However it is more than a physical therapy. It is a holistic system for healing, balancing and harmonising all aspects of the person—body, mind, emotions and spirit—and can be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.

The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced Ray Kee) is translated as ‘Universal Life Force Energy” or “Spiritual Energy.’

Reiki Benefits

  • Adapts to the needs of the recipient
  • Helps meditative state
  • Promotes personal awareness
  • Enhance spiritual connection
  • Fosters natural self healing
  • Relaxes and reduces stress
  • Balances energies in the body
  • Relieves pain and discomfort

What is a Reiki Treatment

A Reiki treatment takes about an hour and is carried out with the client remaining fully clothed (except for shoes) with a blanket and pillow on a therapy bed.

The client lies on his or her back and the Reiki Practitioner’s hands are placed gently on the body in specific places and are kept still for a few minutes. There is no pressure, massage or manipulation unless the Reiki is being combined with another treatment.