Take time out for you to treat your body and soul
Experience deep relaxation, nurturing and healing

A Reiki/Seichim Energy Healing session is a wonderful way of giving yourself an open nurturing space to help you re-centre and come back into alignment.

Nothing is required of you, other than to simply rest on the healing table fully clothed as I channel healing energies to you, either hands-on or in your energy field. Most people experience Reiki/Seichim as truly relaxing and an opportunity to recentre, re energise and feel a sense of peace, deep relaxation, clarity of mind and well being.

Healing can take place on many levels, and assists in clearing your mind, body and soul of any stuck energy and filling you up with rejuvenating energy and love.

In healing session, I may work with crystals and sound such as tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, and ting-sha. My aim in the energy healing session is to create a unique experience for you, so you may experience peace and relaxation.

I am trained as a Reiki and Seichim Master and Crystal Healer.

Healing sessions usually last 60 minutes. For bookings contact Cindy on 0417 513 947 or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/clenergyhealing/