Are you ready to continue your Reiki journey?
Are you feeling the pull to go deeper into your soul?
Do you wish to learn amazing tools which empower you to transform your life, and others?

This three-day workshop accelerates your personal and spiritual development and strengthens your healing and intuitive abilities. It is particularly helpful for practitioners who would like more tools to work at deeper levels with themselves and clients. This workshop is a beautiful journey of further self awareness. Whatever your path, this workshop will be a great healing experience for you.

In this workshop you will learn the following:

  • Receive many additional powerful Reiki symbols including the Master symbols & learn their application.
  • Receive two separate attunements increasing the flow of Reiki energy.
  • How to give a Reiki attunement to loved ones as a gift and give & receive a healing attunement.
  • Advanced Reiki techniques including Reiki meditation, and manifesting with Reiki.
  • Reiki psychic surgery.
  • Reiki candle magick.
  • Self Mastery & your self healing journey with Reiki.
  • Expanded Chakra system.
  • Experience a powerful guided meditation.
  • Review of the five principles of Reiki.
  • Ethics of professional practice.
  • Crystals & Reiki, including how to facilitate a Reiki crystal chakra healing.
  • Develop your intuitive ability to read energy.
  • Give and receive a Reiki healing trying out new techniques.
  • Reiki 3A manual & certificate.

Reiki 3A is taught in two parts, a two day workshop and 1 day practice session so you have time to integrate the learning from the intensive weekend and better able to apply that knowledge as you journey forward with Reiki.

  • Date 2025: Saturday 12th April, Sunday 13th April & Saturday 10th May.
  • Time: 9.00 am—6.00 pm
  • Where: The River House, 193 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna, Qld, 4300
  • Exchange: $350.00 – manual, certificate and a set of chakra crystals.
  • Prerequisite: Completed Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 ideally around 6 months prior to Reiki Level 3A. This allows time for integration and practice after your Reiki 2 Attunements and Reiki 2 Course, plus plenty of time for both self-practice, and one-one situations and/or Reiki Share if you choose. (Students from all lineages are accepted).
  • Workshop Size: We accept between 4 and 6 students maximum. Subsequently you have the time and practice you require.
  • Facilitator: Andrea Kerslake
  • Age: Reiki Level 3A available for ages 17 years and up
  • Booking & Enquires: Please contact Andrea phone/text 0419 641 155, or email:  The numbers for this workshop are small, so get in early so you wont be disappointed
  • What to bring:
    • Notebook & pen.
    • Your own lunch, morning & afternoon tea provided.
    • Come prepared remembering how to draw, write & say the names of your Reiki 2 symbols. You will be drawing them from memory again.

Please note: This course is Level 3A Master Practitioner. Reiki 3 is broken into two levels – Master Practitioner (3A), and Master Teacher (3B).

About the Facilitator

Andrea is passionate about helping people open up to their own innate wisdom and knowledge and to tap into the spiritual energies that surround us Seeing people awaken and reclaim their own talents and gifts. Andrea’s greatest joy is helping, and teaching people how they can connect with Spirit and tap into Universal energy to enhance their lives.

Healing and teaching are the focal point of all Andreas work, she offers many different approaches to Personal Healing, Growth and Psychic Development. She is a Reiki & Seichim Master/Teacher intuitive healer, and trained in crystal healing, and Theta® and Orion healing. She is an Angel Intuitive™ with advanced training.

Andrea assist clients in releasing old energies while bringing in new energy, to connect to their Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters and follow their intuition. Andreas focus is to empower people by giving people the tools so that they can reach their true potential and bring all of them into every aspect of their life. This is what she love doing and she is grateful for having the opportunity to work with spirit and see so many people begin their own journey bringing harmony and balance back into their life.