Are you fascinated with crystals and want to experience the energy of crystals?
Not sure how to best work with them and tap into their unique magic.
In this fun and practical workshop, we will be spending the day “experiencing” the energy of crystals. This workshop allows you to delve into the world of crystals, learning the basics, which serves as a firm foundation in working with crystals.
In this workshop you will learn appropriate ways to cleanse, activate, charge and dedicate your crystals, how to program your crystals, different meditation techniques, how to create grids, and other numerous ways crystals can assist in healing, transformation, manifestation and much more!
You will experience through many exercises crystals vibrational energy and how to connect, and harness their energy. It will be a very practical hands-on day, with the opportunity to explore lots of crystals. You will learn that crystals aren’t only beautiful they are wonderous being who can assist you in your journey through life.
This is what we will be exploring in the workshop:
- Who exactly are Crystal?
- Choosing Crystals for yourself and others.
- How to care for your Crystals – cleansing, charging, activating, and dedicating.
- How to connect with Crystal energy, moving beyond the five senses.
- Recognise the basics of crystal energy – the properties of crystals.
- How to work with different Crystal shapes and formation
- How to bond with a Crystal and how to program it for various purposes.
- Connecting with Crystal Conscious and the Crystal Guardians.
- Working with Crystals for meditation, affirmations, and manifesting.
- How you can begin to bring Crystals into your life, including your home, garden and workplace.
- Learn about Crystal grids and how to create your own.
- Crystal for protection, abundance, self-love, grounding, and healing.
This workshop provides an excellent introduction to a Crystal-and will give you knowledge and take you to a different level regarding crystals and their application in your life. No experience is required to take this Workshop.
1 day Crystal Energy Workshop
Dates 2025 Sunday 23rd February
Cost $ 130
9.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Course includes crystal pack, manual, morning & afternoon tea,
BYO lunch, notebook and pen.
Venue: The River House, 193 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna Qld 4300
Facilitator: Andrea Kerslake
To register for this workshop or for enquires contact Andrea phone/text 0419 641 155, or email
About the Facilitator
Andrea is passionate about helping people open up to their own innate wisdom and knowledge and to tap into the spiritual energies that surround us witnessing their awakening. Seeing people reclaim their own talents and gifts. Andrea’s greatest joy is helping, and teaching people how they can connect with Spirit and tap into Universal energy to enhance their lives.
Healing and teaching are the focal point of all Andreas work, she offers many different approaches to Personal Healing, Growth and Psychic Development. She is a Reiki & Seichim Master/Teacher intuitive healer, and trained in crystal healing, and Theta® and Orion healing. She is an Angel Intuitive™ with advanced training.
Andrea assist clients in releasing old energies while bringing in new energy, to connect to their Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters and follow their intuition. Andreas focus is to empower people by give people the tools so that they can reach their true potential and bring all of them into every aspect of their life. This is what she love doing and she is grateful for having the opportunity to work with spirit and see so many people begin their own journey bringing harmony and balance back into their life.